Friday, 18 April 2014


I have a very late card to enter into the Less is More challenge this week. Chrissie's challenge was to show evidence of shadowing - it is also One Layer Week ...

I had a bit of a busy week, but in spare moments I kept playing with shadowing, but my attempts looked unconvincing.

I really wanted to enter the challenge, so after doing some housework and enjoying our first sunny day since daylight saving finished almost a fortnight ago, I got down to it  - nothing like a little deadline pressure to put a rocket under you.

And this is what I came up with - it is not world-shaking but I was happy with the effect.

I have had this little leaf stamp for ages & it is very handy.  I stamped it each time & re-stamped without re-inking to create the shadow effect,  Then I masked the first stamping of the leaves and used a text-like stamp - for this I inked it and then just whiped the left & right edges with my finger to give a fade-out effect.

Initially I just left it like that but it seemed a little low key, so I  chalked the leves with a little soft green to give them a bit of bounce.

I have not added a sentiment because sometimers it's nice to have a card to write a quick note in. I can always add one at the top if an occasion calls for it.

Well so much for our nice day - we are ending it with thunder - so I expect it will be grey and sticky tomorrow - yay
Have a lovely Easter weekend
Cheers, Dianne


  1. Thanks for the lovely comment Dianne, a fabulous card, I love the text background and gorgeous falling leaves!!!

    Heather xx

  2. What a super card Dianne, I do like your leaf stamp!
    Thank you for playing along this week
    Less is More

  3. This is a superb effect Dianne, what great stamping!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"
